Meet Charlie...
The inspiration behind "The Flying Dog"
In June 2018, while enjoying a weekend away, we were enjoying a nature walk in the Sapphire Coast region. Soaking up the fresh air & silence of the bush, the long grass rustled & a large kangaroo jumped out and had a stare off with Charlie. In less than a second the kangaroo jumped away into the thickened bushes and the chase was on.
With a pause & a growl Charlie lunged forward and in 3 bounces through thick long grass there was silence. Charlie had jumped straight off a lookout point and had fallen 35-40metres down a cliff face. Upon looking over the cliff Charlie was no where to be seen. He was gone...
Then he poked his head up through a gap in a thick spongy bush at the bottom of the rocks.
Then he poked his head up through a gap in a thick spongy bush at the bottom of the rocks.
Taking approximately 1.5hrs to rescue the little guy, we rushed him off to the vet, after 2 x-rays it was found he had broken his back - snapped his 8th lower vertabrae. In perfect health otherwise he was rushed up to an orthopedic specialist in Parramatta and operated on asap. We were given a 25% chance of him surviving the surgery without paralysis, but we took the chance.
After what felt like an eternity Charlie came out of surgery and appeared to be in good health... then he tried to stand! After a very nervous few days he was back home with us 3 days later!
5 weeks in the cage to rest, 16 stitches, a plate-screws-cement in his spine, full time supervision and around the clock care, medicine, pain releif etc he was finally free to wander around again!
6 weeks later his back was fully healed and perfectly aligned! Unfortunately during this recovery time his hips/back leg joints didn't develop properly so he has been in weekly/ fortnightly physio rehabilitation.
The support we received from both friends and total strangers was overwhelming throughout this sad and traumatic period. We received wishes, messages and even gifts who were all supporting Charlie through his recovery. We would use the blankets and toys and gifts received to help Charlie (and us!) feel better and learned alot along the way.
The passion and happiness these gifts & products provided us was the inspiration behind opening 'The Flying Dog n Co'
Love and Licks to you all, thanks for reading my story
Charlie xx