School is in session! Stylish Hound’s gentle training halter makes refining your student doggy simple, seamless and manageable for humans and hounds. Now, this awesome accessory helps you to train your hound, but it also comes with a required amount of time and patience, so only committed teachers should add to the cart. This halter is for serial pullers and cheeky dogs who need a little more attention.
Stylish Hound’s halter requires positive introduction and desensitization to ensure that your hound has become used to its head collar before putting it into practice. Warning, please do not place on your hound before proper introductions and a little light use. Note, this is not a muzzle.
• Neoprene padded nose bridge
• Silky smooth side thread
• Under chin cord stopper
• Lead ring
• Includes safety clip to connect Halter to the collar